Formula 2

MegaRide and Trident join forces for 2024 Season, aiming to Replicate F3 Success in F2

MegaRide and Trident join forces for 2024 Season, aiming to Replicate F3 Success in F2

MegaRide and Trident Motorsport close another winning season together and are already working on the next one, which will mark the fifth year of partnership between the predictive model development company and the historic Italian team.

The joint objective of the teams of technicians and engineers from MegaRide and Trident Motorsport is to transfer to Formula 2 the solutions that have opened a winning cycle in Formula 3 since 2020. Among the main ones, the victory of this year's Drivers' title and the first place in the 2021 Manufacturers' ranking.

In particular, the work plan involves maximizing the interaction between the analysis and simulation tools provided by MegaRide with the cars in order to obtain indications for tire management and for the development of race strategies. These tools also allow the identification of the optimal camber settings to increase the level of grip and the best tire warm-up procedure. Furthermore, Trident Motorsport and MegaRide will work together to define the test programs necessary to improve the understanding of tire behavior and to process data during testing and racing.

Damiano Capra, CXO of MegaRide: “Trident and MegaRide have been working together since 2019 to raise the bar of the team's performance and win. Providing Trident with our simulation tools and helping them understand the tires has proven to be successful because our mission is to answer the endless question in motorsport: "what are the working conditions for these tires?" More accurate and complex models are in the pipeline for the future with the aim of raising the bar even further, helping the team include even more variables in their simulations and speeding them up."

Giacomo Ricci, Trident Motorsport, Team Manager: "The partnership between MegaRide and Trident Motorsport is an important ingredient behind our achievements in Motorsport. This collaboration will be further expanded in order to export a working model, that has proven extremely profitable in Formula 3, also in Formula 2. The objectives that we have set ourselves together with MegaRide are very ambitious and clear. As usual, maximum collaboration and commitment will be needed to achieve them in the future. Of course, MegaRide is a key partner of ours."